
When i was student, few years ago, i had (and already i have) to made some Math functions to plot, i was using the GNUPlot program to made quality plot's as i need, but... some guy told me: "The graphics are amazing! How can i do to make graphics like yours?" ... I asked his question but my friend was disapointed with my examples and retoric's about how easy is to make function ploting with GNUPlot...

For almost all the people in the world is more or less dificult to make graphics with GNUPlot, some simple graphics aren't; but labels, axis, coordinates, grids, etc. are really a hard job to do, indeed if you know how.

Why ? you may ask... The fantastic command-line editing in GNUPlot is very simple to use, but some commands to make improvements are so so larges, or more simple: You can't memorize all that commands, parameters and modifiers, so, if you can just press a button where you want, simple click on item, you will not take care about how GNUPlot do the hard job...

How ? Any button on UniGNUPlot scheme have associate a command line for GNUPlot, entry area will be inserted into variables, and thinks like that, when you press ENTER on the expresion box all the data colected as well the default actions -when a user don't ask for the option, but is needed by GNUPlot- will be send to GNUPlot. Then GNUPlot returns a graphic to be ploted on a "Canvas" space in UniGNUPlot.

So... What's the difference beetwen GNUPlot and UniGNUPlot ? GNUPlot is the principal tool or engine, without it UniGNUPlot can't work. UniGNUPlot it the tool who make's your live more easy with GNUPlot program, isn't finished, yet, but have a lot of improvements from it's original form.